China International Agreements

20 december 2021 at 04:27

China International Agreements: Understanding China`s Global Positioning

China has been on an upward trajectory in recent years, both economically and politically. It has been making headlines with its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative, which is a massive infrastructure project aimed at strengthening China`s global commerce and influence. As China continues to assert its position on the world stage, it has entered into a series of international agreements that have helped it accomplish its goals.

In this article, we will explore China`s international agreements and their significance in positioning China as a global power.

One of the most important agreements that China has entered into is the Paris Agreement on climate change. China committed to reducing its carbon emissions by 65% by 2030 and increasing the share of non-fossil fuels in its primary energy consumption to 20%. This move signaled China`s determination to play a leading role in global climate change efforts.

Another significant international agreement that China has signed is the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). This agreement, signed in 2018, is aimed at promoting free trade among 11 participating countries, including Japan, Australia, Canada, and Mexico. China`s participation in the agreement signals its desire to expand its trade relations and promote economic growth.

China has also entered into a series of agreements aimed at expanding its military and defense capabilities. For instance, it has signed the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) agreement, a regional security alliance that includes Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. The agreement is aimed at combating terrorism, separatism, and extremism, and promoting economic and political cooperation. China`s participation in the SCO has helped to strengthen its regional influence and secure its borders.

China has also entered into various bilateral agreements with other countries. One notable agreement is the China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) agreement, which aims to promote cooperation and development in Africa. Since the agreement was signed in 2000, China has become Africa`s largest trading partner, and Chinese investment in Africa has increased significantly.

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is another significant international agreement that China has entered into. The initiative is a massive infrastructure project that spans across Asia, Europe, and Africa. The project aims to connect these regions through a network of roads, railways, ports, and other infrastructure. The BRI is significant because it demonstrates China`s ambition to become a global economic leader and expand its influence beyond its borders.

In conclusion, China`s international agreements have been instrumental in positioning it as a global power. These agreements have helped China expand its economic, military, and political influence beyond its borders. As China continues to assert itself on the world stage, its international agreements will be critical in shaping its future.