Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft Wiki

12 september 2022 at 11:02

Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft (ATCA) is a historic agreement that was signed in 1979 between the United States and the European Union. The objective of the agreement was to promote the international sales of civil aircraft by reducing trade barriers and creating a level playing field for the industry.

The ATCA established a framework for cooperation between the U.S. and European Union in regulating trade in civil aircraft. The agreement covers various areas such as customs duties, taxes, regulations, and subsidies. It ensures that both sides have an equal chance of competing in the global marketplace, without facing unfair trade practices.

One of the significant benefits of ATCA is that it eliminates double taxation on civil aircraft. This is important because taxes can significantly increase the cost of an aircraft. The agreement ensures that the taxes paid on an aircraft in one country can be credited against the taxes owed in another country.

The agreement also establishes a dispute resolution mechanism to resolve any disagreements that might arise between the U.S. and EU. The mechanism allows for an impartial panel to adjudicate disputes and make binding decisions, which helps to resolve disputes without resorting to litigation.

The ATCA has been successful in promoting trade in civil aircraft between the U.S. and European Union. It has led to increased sales for manufacturers on both sides of the Atlantic and created new jobs in the industry. The agreement has also served as a blueprint for other agreements in the aviation industry, such as the World Trade Organization`s Agreement on Trade in Services.

In today`s global economy, trade agreements like ATCA have become increasingly important. They help to promote free trade and ensure that businesses can compete effectively on the world stage. As the aviation industry continues to grow and evolve, agreements like ATCA will remain vital to ensuring the industry`s success.